
Type: Posts; User: tkmunzwa; Keyword(s):

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  1. Replies

    [ubuntu] Re: blueman for ubuntu 8.04 hardy

    I'm connected to the 'net using GPRS over bluetooth right now, using 8.04. I just recently managed to do this, my only hope is that you still require the information.

    The steps i took are:
  2. Re: apt-get/synaptic bandwidth limiting (mini-HOWTO)

    For me, the second line was failng with a "File not found" error, then I noticed the path is missing the initial '/'

    All in all, tt should be

    sudo su
    dpkg-divert --local --rename...
  3. Re: Is there an offline, 'fat' Ubuntu distro?

    thanks guys. Incidentally, I ran into Ubuntu-ningi , who have a DVD with most packages (upto & including multiverse). Unfortunately, their lates version is Edgy...:mad:

    again, thanks a lot
  4. [SOLVED] Is there an offline, 'fat' Ubuntu distro?

    Hi people.

    I just wanted to ask if there exists an (K)ubuntu-based distro that has a lot of packages available. Similar to other multi-CD distros (think debian/Suse). The reason I ask is I do not...
Results 1 to 4 of 9