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  1. Replies

    Re: Missing disk in raid/boot failure

    I'd guess the goal is to have all NFS shared storage under /srv/nfs4/ while having extra local storage mounted under /mnt/ for some reason, but I really don't know. There are probably some...
  2. [SOLVED] Re: Which ports to involve with firewall?

    Uh ... you can believe that if you like. I know different. I've seen it. NAT isn't a firewall. People are confused about that. I've seen traffic from outside get inside a LAN that had no external...
  3. Re: What personal information sent to VPN server to initialize an open VPN?

    A VPN server has complete access to all packets sent through the tunnel, if they aren't sufficiently encrypted or the encryption keys have been leaked. Today, we know that all versions of SSL and...
  4. Re: What personal information sent to VPN server to initialize an open VPN?

    US sanctions operators of “free VPN” that routed crime traffic through user PCs
  5. Replies

    Re: Missing disk in raid/boot failure

    I don't see any NFS mounts. Labeling something as NFS in the comments doesn't make it NFS, nor does using a directory name /srv/nfs4.

    I know nothing about BTRFS. Early data loss issues and...
  6. [SOLVED] Re: Which ports to involve with firewall?

    Security is about layers. The first layer is always in the network, preventing access to attackers that don't have any need to have access. Home user's aren't banks. Avahi isn't really something...
  7. Replies

    Re: Recomnmended remote S/W for Ubuntu?

    Start here to learn non-GUI management: That's really a beginner book. At least it is free and current and in many different languages. Of course, you can...
  8. [server] Re: security question, why the server was reboot ls -al /sys/fs/pstore

    /sys/fs/ is a fake file system. It isn't on real storage, just in RAM.

    $ df /sys
    Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
    sysfs 0 0 0 - /sys

    There are other...
  9. Thread: No Such File

    by TheFu

    [ubuntu] Re: No Such File

    I run bscan manually when I want to scan with my old Brother MFC. Then I use gscantopdf (or gscan2pdf?) to scan, clean up the image, then OCR it. Depending on the type of document, the OCR might be...
  10. [ubuntu] Re: ub server live install USB odd issue adding raid / lvm

    I moved from a Ryzen 2600 + Nvidia 1030 GT config to a Ryzen 5600G. It was a pure-CPU-only swap. I kept the same RAM and same motherboard (Asus B450 Strix). The 5600G was $120 at the time. 40% CPU...
  11. [SOLVED] Re: Which ports to involve with firewall?

    For high security, block everything coming in and everything going out. Then open outbound ports in the firewall that are needed for the specific things you do.

    For example, do you want to...
  12. Replies

    Re: Recomnmended remote S/W for Ubuntu?


    That is how professionals manage all their servers around the world.
    By default, Ubuntu Server doesn't have any GUI programs, so I'm a bit confused by looking for a "desktop" on a "server"...
  13. Re: Which tools can I use in place of wmctrl and xdotool in Wayland? Revived

    cnee/xnee doesn't care about the app - or even if there is an app under it. It can be a browser or not. Sounds just like AutoKey.

    As for scripts - WMs almost always have a capability of...
  14. Re: I can't figure out how to get full screen. Please help!

    Well, perhaps you need a better hypervisor then?
    Inside a libvirt/KVM VM connected through QXL display drivers ... over a network connections (not even local), while the VM window is used (not even...
  15. Re: Which tools can I use in place of wmctrl and xdotool in Wayland? Revived

    ydotool does many things that xdotool did, but not all of them.
    KDE has some specific capabilities that Gnome-based DEs don't provide, but the ones in KDE are impressive.

    I've never used AutoKey....
  16. Replies

    [ubuntu] Re: where to put / store

    MAFoElffen, Or he could just echo $PATH to see the value. K.I.S.S. I know, seem odd coming from me. ;) I'm trying to be simple, when that is possible and still accurate.
  17. Re: How to set up Linux to run like PuppyLinux without Password(s)?

    I've been at this a long time. If you'd been doing something for 30 yrs, you'd expect some level of knowledge, right?

    The other 99.9995% topics in the world - I'm clueless. The farther you get...
  18. [ubuntu] Re: External HDD with UAS driver checking disk health

    Sometimes -d SAT **is** required and it is usually required with USB connections, but not allows. I asked only because I've seen it no used and used - just depends on the USB controller and which...
  19. Replies

    [ubuntu] Re: pipewire and dlna

    I tried to use Rygel once a few years ago for temporary needs. It didn't meet my needs.

    I'd used miniDLNA before and it has issues, but it works if you don't need transcoding and can manually...
  20. Re: I can't figure out how to get full screen. Please help!

    Resolutions are limited to what will fit inside the window. If you don't run the VM in full-screen mode, it won't show 1920x1080 as possible. That's step one, then it should be possible to select...
  21. [ubuntu] Re: External HDD with UAS driver checking disk health

    Are you sure you need to use the -d sat option? Sometimes it isn't needed with USB.

    a) Seagate 2TB HDDs have a poor reliability record. Some models failed 4x more often then the competition. ...
  22. Re: I can't figure out how to get full screen. Please help!

    Not really a Linux question. Mostly a VMware question. I haven't used VMware Workstation since the 1990s, but almost all of the GUI-based hypervisors like it work the same way.

    First, the actual...
  23. Replies

    [ubuntu] Re: where to put / store

    PrivateVPN has provided you with specific instructions for a script they created. Only they know what "use it" means or where it should be placed. is just a name for a file they made...
  24. Re: How to set up Linux to run like PuppyLinux without Password(s)?

    This is a terrible idea and you are likely to break your computer.

    To allow logins to happen automatically, it is dependent on the DE and the login manager. There will be a config file under...
  25. Re: Add'l drive created by Ubuntu during installation

    I've never seen that, but I tend to setup more flexible partitioning than most people, so I don't know the "minimal" required partitions for every possible storage choice in every different...
Results 1 to 25 of 248
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